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Saturday, 28 September 2013

Who Sinned First: Satan Or Adam?

Saw this question, so I decided to share it here, let's hear what you think. I'm sure we have well grounded, sound bible students here.
Plaetton asked:
Who committed the first act of disobedience and usurped the blissful paradise of peace of both heaven and earth? Was it Satan or Adam?
If it was Satan, common sense would have required God to shield the newly created earth, especially impressionable newborns like Adam and Eve from the influences of Satan .
To have allowed that to happen would have been gross negligence of the highest form. Even more absurd is the fact that the impressionable newborns are thereafter punished for an event that should not have happened if the right measures had been taken.
Even more absurd is that the innocent offsprings of Adam and Eve are condemned for eternity for no sins of their own , but for the lapse in judgement of the first Babysitter.
God allowed Satan to roam free knowing fully well that naive couple like Adam and Eve would be susceptible to his charms, which begs the question: What was God's game plan? What's the point of telling Adam not to eat the forbidden fruit and yet allow the serpent to slunk about, unchecked?

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