A man was so depressed at his non-existent love life that cut off his own penis - but forgot to take it with him to hospital when he sought treatment.
Yang Hu was told it would be impossible to re-attach his penis
Yang Hu was left in agony after severing his manhood from his body, and decided to cycle to the hospital to have it re-attached to his body.
But rather than prep him for immediate surgery, doctors told him to get on his bike again and go home because he forgot to bring it with him.
Yang, from Jiaxing, in Zhejiang province, east China, eventually rode home to pick up his penis but doctors hit him with yet more bad news - it had been without blood for too long and was therefore impossible to re-attach.
The 26-year-old was depressed at his single life since he moved to the city and began long hours at a clothing factory, according to pals.
His depression grew so bad that he cut off his penis in a sudden act of haste, believing it would stop him thinking about finding a lover.
Yang's pals have now blasted the doctors at the hospital for not providing an ambulance for him to go home and collect his penis.
They said that his private parts could have been saved if he hadn't had to cycle back, taking up valuable time.
Stuart Frain was seconds away from death when he accidentally cut off his arm
Last year retired fireman Stuart Frain accidentally hacked off his arm using a circular saw.
He picked up the limb - whcih was barely hanging on to the rest of his body, and ran hundreds of yards with it before he finally managed to get help.
He just managed to get to hospital in time for the arm to be re-attached to his body.
Mr Frain said at the time: "Because it's quite secluded where I live I ran for help holding the arm.
"When I arrived at hospital they said that I'd probably only been about 90 seconds away from death."
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