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Tuesday, 19 November 2013

10 Easy Steps To Loose That Extra Pound

Hey guys!!! Am sure y'all read my disturbingly true article yesterday. For those that missed it, here is the link »» .

Am going easy on you guys today; my topic today is strictly for babes who have that dress that they love sooo much but it doesn't seem to fit anymore. Over the years I have seen ladies doing all sorts just to get that perfect shape; most are so desperàte that they either become anorexic or end up in the hospital. Loosing weight isn't easy ooo...and am talking from experience, then I'd tell my self that I want to loose weight but I'd end up gaining extra pounds(LMAO!!!!) Loosing weight is not for the weak minded are ten easy steps to loose that extra pound:

Step 1: never tell anyone that you are trying to loose weight.

Step 2: consider yourself as starting a new healthy eating plan that you will incorporate into your life permanently.

Step 3: question yourself truthfully to see if you are mentally prepared to change your life and follow these weight loss tips.

Step 4: when you feel hungry,stop and have a cup of water,wait for five minutes and assess whether you are really hungry or perhaps there is something else on your mind.

Step 5: when you catch yourself looking for what to munch on,do something else to occupy your time cos many people tend to eat too much when they are bored.

Step 6: remember to take it one day at à time.

Step 7: if you want to snack,make sure it is a healthy,low-fat,low-calorie snack.

Step 8: remember,fat-free does not mean you should eat the whole box!!!

Step 9: when eating fat free products,remember to look at the serving size and calories.

Step 10: do not weigh yourself more than once a week.

And an extra jara for my babes, when setting your ideal weight,be realistic and choose a weight that you can comfortably maintain without much struggle for the rest of your life because you might get discouraged when you set an unrealistic goal...until next time...remain you

Rising Writer: Adedoyin Browne
Twitter @jadebrowne1

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