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Thursday, 14 November 2013

Brothers Travel Back To Childhood Vacation Spots To Recreate Old Family Photos For Their Mother's 55th Birthday

Found this too sweet, just had to share.
Two brothers from Romania hit upon a clever and inventive birthday present for their mom when they decided to recreate a selection of their favorite childhood pictures.
Toma and Paul Alexandru, from Bucharest, Romania, made their mom cry tears of joy on her 55th birthday when they presented her with the album featuring the before and after shots.
The brothers say they were inspired to carry out their project after seeing other examples online of people recreating old photographs. Its okay but will our 9ja parents appreciate it? See more pics after cut

1 comment:

  1. Wow,dats lots of job they did ooo, wot else kud dey have given their moda dan 2 bring back memories of d past


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