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Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Disease fears as medics overwhelmed in Philippines after typhoon Haiyan

Authorities fear outbreaks of diseases in areas devastated by super typhoon Haiyan, with the United Nations calling for more urgency in rescue operations that have been hampered by armed looters desperate for food.
Philippine president Benigno Aquino declared desperately needed help would arrive faster as he ordered troops into villages and towns to protect relief supplies.
But rescuers have been overwhelmed by the devastation wrought by last Friday’s typhoon.
The death toll could be far worse than estimated so far as rescuers reach remote areas in the path of the storm that have been cut off from communications, including on Samar Island and the northern tip of Cebu, officials say. The United Nations warned the toll is quickly rising from the estimate of 10,000 that Philippine authorities announced last weekend. An estimated 9.8 million people have been affected
”We are certainly expecting the worst. As we get more and more access we find the tragedy of more and more people killed in this typhoon,” said John Ging, a UN humanitarian official.
As a new tropical depression moved across the devastated region, bringing more torrential rain, medicines have been depleted or looted from pharmacies.

”It’s overwhelming,” said Air Force captain Antonio Tamayo.
”We need more medicine. We cannot give anti-tetanus vaccine shots because we have none,” he said.
Bodies remain uncollected and decomposing in many of the affected areas, prompting fears of outbreaks of diseases such as cholera, aid workers said.
As the US sent an aircraft carrier to the Philippines to speed up relief efforts some aid workers expressed disappointment that Australia had not sent troops to help as it had done in previous south-east Asia disasters. Australia has announced assistance of $10 million that included the deployment of an emergency medical team from Darwin and aid to the UN.
Police and soldiers deployed to Tacloban, the capital of Leyte island that bore the brunt of the storm, have stopped widespread looting but people are still roaming the streets desperately searching for food and water.
Aid convoy trucks going to the city have been hijacked.
”There is very little food going in and what food there was, was captured by the crowd,” said Richard Gordon, chairman of the Philippine Red Cross.
There have been chaotic scenes at Tacloban airport as thousands of survivors surged past a broken iron fence to try to get on departing military flights. Associated Press reported that mothers raised their babies high above their heads in the rain, in hopes of being prioritised. Only a small number were allowed on board.
With telephone services cut across most of the islands of the central Philippines, authorities say it is difficult to know how deadly the storm was in remote areas.
”We are seeing a lot of dead throughout the province,” said Brigadier-General Domingo Tutaan, spokesman for the Philippine armed forces..
”I have been in the service for 32 years and I have been involved with a lot of calamities … I don’t have words to describe what our ground commanders are seeing in the field,” he said.
A small group of reporters who went to Guiuan, a small fishing village on Samar Island that is known for its beautiful beaches, reported terrifying scenes of violence.
”There are armed thieves going about. If they know that you have food stored away, they will force their way into your house and rob you at gunpoint,” a resident told the AFP news agency.
The fate of Melbourne man Greg Cummins, 60, a retired builder who ran a small hotel on the Guiuan waterfront remains unknown.

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