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Monday, 11 November 2013

Facts You Should Know About KCee the Limpopo Master and A pics of Him Wayback Then, 2004.

KCee's "Limpopo" has been nominated as one of the Most Gifted Dance Video in the 10th Channel O Africa Music Video Awards which comes up on Saturday Nov. 30, in Johannesburg, South Africa. Below are some fun facts about KCee that you will love to know...

First Gig on Stage: Star Quest
Ritual before going on stage: Praying
Most Embarrassing Moment on stage: My mic stopped working
Shoe Size: 43/44
Height: 5ft 9in
Allergies: Garlic
Phobia: Poverty
Favorite Color/Number: White/1
Role Model: Nelson Mandela
If not Music, what other profession: Football
Favorite Show Performance of all Time: Music Fest Palma Mallorca
Favorite Musician of All time: Michael Jackson
Hobby: Gaming
#TeamBiggy or #TeamTupac: Tupac
Number of music features or collaborations: 11
First studio ever recorded in: Dolphin Studios
Music industry crush: Rihanna

Still got like two more of those pictures, someone needs to show Kcee LMAO

1 comment:

  1. yeah.... that's me way back.... ff @ twitter pheezzyfbaby


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