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Monday, 18 November 2013

NECROPHILIA; sins of the end times

Wonders will never cease to end in this life, man inhuman to man, vanity upon vanity...I can't start counting the sins of man after Adam betrayed God and this is the 21st century and things are getting worse.
I am a lover of great romance novels and as usual I was reading one of Danielle Steel's great books, and I came across the word "necrophilia" and my curiosity took the better part of me and I decided to look up this strange word on google...I wasn't prepared for what I saw.

It is a mental disorder also known as "thanatophilia" or "necrolagnia", it is the sexual attraction to corpses...(As in dead people).I didn't want to just stop at the meaning only so I went on. The word is coined from two greek words "nekros"(dead) and "philia"(love),the term was first used in a lecture by the Belgian alienist Joseph Guislain in 1850.
The first thought that should come to one's mind is why a living being will try to have sex with a dead person and research made it known that people engage in this dastardly act because they want to have sexual intercourse with an "unresisting" and "unrejecting" partner, while others do it to reunite with their dead romantic partners or do it to seek comfort or to overcome feelings of isolation or seek self esteem.(Who seeks self esteem by sleeping with a corpse?? Definitely not me).
It will also interest you to know there are traditional and religious aspects of being a necrophile; among the Kachin people of Myanmar, versions of a marriage ceremony were held to lay a dead virgin to rest and it involved sexual intercourse with the corpse.
The religious aspect of being a necrophile is that it was used to communicate with the dead but have it in mind that this act has been banned in the United States and other countries in Africa..until next time remain you

Rising Writer: Adedoyin Browne
Twitter @jadebrowne1


  1. Crazy world we live in. Whosoever that coined the word, was suffering from the Necrophilia.

  2. ugoh'portable mekus'faith11/18/2013 6:38 pm

    Hmmmmm..... Dis is an eye opening piece, but it kind of absurd and scary. Its never a gud exprience for whoso ever dat engage in such, and its after effect is what no one knows about. May God delieve us.

  3. Chei! This is crazy

  4. Nice write up... Keep it up dear....

  5. Crazy Crazy world. Dis world is definitely comin 2 an end. Damn!! Great article sweetie,keep it up

  6. Everyday we come across strangely bewildering occurrences. This is just one of them. Soon we'll hear of sex with a robot...#EndTime! Repent!!!

  7. Wot I'm I seein??odd world

  8. I also did a research and found out a whole lotts of things that the so called Americans are engaged in money rituals dey infact has done it for the Dollars which the whole world spends. But here in nigeria they say youre superstitious if you believe in black magic


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