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Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Teen Auctions Off Virginity For A LOT Of Money

This Teen Just Auctioned Her Virginity For About $27,000
A teenager in Siberia successfully auctioned off her virginity online.

"Money is urgently needed, so I am selling the most treasured thing," the 18-year-old wrote on Russian auction website, according to a Huffington Post translation of the text.

The woman, who listed her name only as "Shatuniha," said she was willing to meet the next day. "I can come to a hotel at Predmostnaya [Square] with a certificate proving my innocence."

The auction was posted Oct. 30 with a 800,000 ruble price tag, which translates to about $24,600. A day later, someone had bid 900,000 rubles, or about $27,700, in order to deflower her.

Shatuniha not only auctioned off her chastity for a hefty sum, she appears to have done it with impunity. Police in Krasnoyarsk, Russia, where the teen lives, told The Siberian Times that she broke no laws.

"We have no right to give a moral assessment of the girl's actions," officials said.

If you wanna auction your own, leave a comment plus the amount (/-^-)


  1. Hmmmmmm.... Who is d highest bidder??? (This world sef, God have mercy)

  2. D bitch is not even hot wa o people r desperate


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