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Friday, 31 January 2014

REVEALED: 5 types of guys girls fall in love with

This one will probably steal your heart in your early 20's, in those years when you're trying to figure out who you are and who you want to be, and discovering your wings seems to come with a side of rebellion. You'll think you can change him, but you can't.

1. The First Love.

Also commonly known as "The High School Sweetheart." This boy is the Kevin to your Winnie. The Cory to your Topanga. The Dawson to your Joey. Sweet, innocent, idealistic…this is the stuff coming-of-age movies are made of. The First Love is probably the first boy you'll ever kiss. (Or at least the first one you'll kiss and feel the earth move.) He probably plays a sport and wears a letterman jacket.

2. The One That Could Have Been (But the Timing Was Always Off).

May be you met while one of you was already in a relationship. Maybe every time you started to get close, life or work or something else completely unexpected came between you. Maybe it was simply God watching out for you, because He knows the two of you burned too brightly together to ever sustain a lasting spark.

Perhaps in another lifetime you were perfect together…but not this one.

3. The Bad Boy.

This one will probably steal your heart in your early 20's, in those years when you're trying to figure out who you are and who you want to be, and discovering your wings seems to come with a side of rebellion. You'll think you can change him, but you can't. (And secretly, you won't want to, because if you did, he'd no longer be the boy who stole your heart). He'll make you cry as much or more as he makes you laugh. Underneath it all, you suspect he has a heart of gold…and he probably does…but it will take years and many women after you to uncover it.

4. The One That Got Away.

This boy will seem perfect…and secretly, you suspect he is. He'll say all the right things, do all the right things, be the very picture of everything you ever imagined you wanted…except now that you have it, you question if you're ready for that kind of perfection. And chances are, you're not. Life knows when you're ready. GOD knows when you're ready. So even though The One That Got Away offers you everything you thought you wanted, he offers nothing you KNOW you need. And what you need is more time. Time to date other boys you'll like but won't love. Time to not date at all and just figure out who YOU are.

Except you didn't.

5. The One.

I haven't met this one yet. I like to think he's a mix of the four loves that came before him. I like to think he's sweet and steadfast like The First Love, and passionate and challenging like The One That Could Have Been, and a little wild and rough around the edges like The Bad Boy, with the heart for commitment and building a life together like The One That Got Away. I like to think he's all of them and none of them, all at the same time. I like to think he personifies this list and also erases it…using the scattered pieces of my heart he gently reclaims from each of them as the eraser.

Vice Chancellors Blame Nigeria’s Low Global Academic Ranking On Inadequate Research

The Committee of Vice-Chancellors of Nigerian Universities in Abuja on Thursday blamed the country's low global academic ranking to poor publications of research achievements.

The Secretary-General of the Association, Michael Faborode, made the statement at a workshop on Deepening Research and Development, Output Dissemination through Publication and Uptake of Innovation.

The workshop was organised by the committee in partnership with Elsevier Holland, a publishing company of International Journal on Educational Research.

"When you look at the global scale, there is less publication from African universities and this is not difficult to explain. Your publication reflects the work you are doing in research, if you are not doing much research, then, there would not be much to publish. The research also depends on funding for instance, the statistics show that Nigeria, for example, invests less than 1 per cent of her GDP on research out of the average 1 per cent prescribed by UNESCO. So, we are very far off the target and we cannot be aspiring to be among the top 20 universities in the world if we do not invest on all areas of our national lives," Mr. Faborode said.

He said the workshop was designed to expose Nigerian university managers and researchers to modern tools for publishing, monitoring and tracking citations.

Mr. Faborode said that the workshop would also enlighten the participants on how to apply and manage international research collaborations as well as to access global research funds.

According to him, the overall goal of the workshop was to enhance research development in the Nigerian University System, NUS, and increase international visibility and impact of the system on global development.

"We are convinced that this effort would engender the indexing of many of the journals and books now supported by the Tertiary Education Trust Fund, TETFund. This will accentuate their global citation and further promote access to and use of global databases by staff and students," Mr. Faborode said.

He said the workshop would also guide individual universities and vice- chancellors in the effective utilisation of lessons learnt and in securing the best package for the NUS. He commended National Universities TETFund for their support to promote research and support the publications that would further enhance impact on the entire nation.

This Is Too Bad: Maheeda Finally Goes Mad

It's only that act called "madness" that could make bad girl Maheeda do what she has just done.

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Beyonce To Be Studied As A Course In University

A University in America is offering students the chance to take a class on Beyoncé and her cultural and political impact, it has been reported.

Yea, Queen Bee not a remarkable scholar or someone in the line of education is getting studies. The Department of Women's and Gender Studies at the well-regarded Rutgers University in New Jersey is offering students the opportunity to take a class entitled "Politicising Beyoncé".

Taught by PhD student Kevin Allred, the class promises to look at Bey's public image, her videos, her lyrics and her alter ego Sasha Fierce - and these elements are related to mainstream feminist figures.

Allred told the university's website: "This isn't a course about Beyoncé's political engagement or how many times she performed during President Obama's inauguration weekend.

"She certainly pushes boundaries. While other artists are simply releasing music, she's creating a grand narrative around her life, her career, and her persona."

And he rejected suggestions that, as a white male, he might not be best-placed to lecture people about Beyoncé.

He continued: "Of course, there are people who'll say, 'You're not black. You're not a woman'. It's something I'm always questioning and staying aware of so as not to overstep any bounds or make any claims for a group that I don't belong to.

"It's a fine line and I want to remain respectful of that."

That's great.
Who's worthy of being studied here in Nigeria? I see no one. Maybe 2face; (Procreation Studies) just saying


The usual activities were on in unilag yesterday night. Guys and laidies were on the normal hangout parole at one of the hookups venue in unilag. That's access bank frontage opposite newhall. The bank's frontage is good for meeting new girls and the parking space also gives it an edge over cool venues in unilag because you could just park and observe under its slightly lit environment. Around 9:30pm, i heard gunshots and saw students running into their various hostels 'gen gen gen gen' was the first sound i made as my journalistic instinct told me to go out but the body wasn't willing, you all know why. After 30mins, the whole school became quiet and we were asked to maintain our position. I was on my bed initially so i maintained my bed position till this morning. First thing i did this morning was, go to the scene of the mayhem and the first thing i noticed was blood. Immediately i began my enquiry because the gunshots i heard were from the guns the security men on duty used. After asking around and making some calls, i managed to lay my hands on an eyewithness from the faculty of science. She told me everything she saw as i could feel her shivering under her makeup and clothes. Must have been a horrible scene. The guy was said to be sitting down with his friends and some guys approached him, a little argument and the next thing a guy brought out was a machete which he used on the guy and everybody around fled eventhough he was said to be shouting for help. After 10mins of silently macheting the guy, the security men showed up shooting into the air while the evil doers fled. As at the time of this report, the guy is said to be dead. May his soul rest in peace.
Could this be the rise or return back of cultism to UNILAG???

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The Most Useless Pieces of Advice Everyone Gives

Spend five minutes with any random person and you soon realize that humans are goddamned horrible at talking to one another. And this is never more apparent than when we're trying to help someone in crisis.
When a friend or family member is down, we usually have a few stock replies that sound good because we're pretty sure somebody said them to us in the past, or maybe we heard them in a movie. Strangely, we know that when we're on the receiving end of this generic advice that it's about as helpful as a Windows error message, but we just can't help it. I mean, what else are you going to say?
Well, let's at least agree to stop and think before telling someone ...
#4. "You Just Need to Watch What You Eat! (or Drink, or Smoke, etc)"

Let me introduce you to the most evil word in the English language:
Stick it near the beginning of some advice, and you can turn someone else's vicious lifelong struggle into a trivial task they should feel ashamed for not having mastered by now. It's the spouse of the smoker saying "You just need to quit those things!"; it's the friends of the clinically depressed woman telling her "You just need to snap out of it!"; it's the dude saying to his heartbroken friend, "You just need to get over her! After all, she's dead!"
Just, just, just. Well, you just need to take this wire brush and cram it all the way into your asshole.

My favorite example -- because it's a conversation happening ten thousand times on this planet as we speak -- is when any obese person talks about how hard it is to lose weight, and their thin friends helpfully tell them they "just" need to watch what they eat, and "just" get a little exercise. They "just" need to win the brutal war that has exhausted every ounce of their energy, time, and emotional well-being for as long as they can remember. "And to be honest, dude, it's kind of weird that you and the other 1.4 billion obese people on Earth haven't tried that already."
I'm sure I've said this to people many times over the years, along with all of the other terrible advice on this list. So if I could go back in time, I'd tell Past David, and anyone else offering this condescending, dismissive, wet shart of an attempt at advice, to please grasp something:
The fat people you make fun of and condescend too probably have more willpower than you do.

And they look much more awesome in a headband.
That's because (and you would know this, Past David, if you were capable of pulling your head out of your own asshole long enough to grasp the idea that the universe contains beings who aren't exactly like you), in order to just stay at their weight, even if it's 300 pounds over the healthy level, they have to successfully resist the urge to eat more often than you do. Mocking them for having more fat on their body is like mocking an MMA fighter for having more bruises than you. You're not stronger, you're just living a different life.
That's because obesity physically changes the brain. The obese eat more, because they feel the urge more -- they feel it more often, and they feel it much stronger (if you want details, overweight people have 20 percent higher levels of the "hunger hormone" ghrelin and abnormally low levels of peptide YY, which suppresses the hunger urge). Their muscle tissue also burns fewer calories than yours, meaning each failure costs them twice as much. They usually gained these fat cells in childhood or adolescence, and once you have them, it is physically impossible to lose them without surgery -- dieting can temporarily shrink them, but your entire physiology will work to put them back the way they were.
I know you don't believe me, Past David, because your moral superiority has to come from somewhere, so if you want to know what it's like to be a fat person trying to lose weight, just don't eat or drink anything for the next 72 hours. Sure, you'll make it through a day. Maybe part of a second day. But soon, maybe 30 or 40 hours in, you'll understand how your power to "just" stop eating can be smashed to rubble by the body's base urges. That hunger part of your brain is much stronger, because it's also the part that regulates basic survival.

As seen in this extraordinarily thin person.
At that stage, when the starvation triggers get flipped, the thinking part of your brain will start coming up with rationalizations ("Wait, why am I suffering like this just because some Internet writer from the future told me to?"). You'll tell yourself lies to save face. But here is the undisputed truth: I could chain you up in a room with nothing but a box of live cockroaches to eat, and at some point, you will eat them. Your disgust, your self-respect, your dignity, all will eventually be obliterated by the crashing tsunami of your hunger.
And your dieting obese friend feels like that all the time.
So Instead, Maybe Try Saying ...
"When I went through what you are going through, this is what worked for me ..."
Recovered addicts can give good advice to addicts, and no one else really can. If that's not you, swallow your goddamned advice and instead exercise common courtesy -- if they can't be around alcohol, don't bring alcohol around them. If they say they're on a diet, don't pull that "Come on, you can have one slice!" bullshit. Likewise, if you've been through the grieving process, you may have good tips for your grieving friend; otherwise, just be an ear.
Either way, if you hear the word "just" coming out of your mouth, clamp down your teeth and chew off your tongue.

#3. "You Just Need to Cheer Up!"

You guys know I'm not prone to exaggeration, but this advice is the cancer rotting the vital organs of civilization.
As someone who is frequently in bad moods, the worst part is knowing that everyone is going to bug you about it -- the people who like you will ask why; the people who don't like you will whisper to one another that you're in "one of your moods." (Note: Even if you're only in one of those moods twice a year, you'll still get a reputation for it.) So in addition to already feeling like your skull is full of wasps, you now have the added pressure of having to hide it from everyone, because nobody can just leave it alone.
And maybe that wouldn't be so bad if they did something other than simply command you to cheer up. It's insane -- clearly these people know from their own bad moods that they can't flip their emotional states on and off like a switch (no matter how good your self-control is, there is always a certain level at which you lose it). So what they're really saying is "Stop being in such a bad mood around me, because it's bumming me out."

"Yeah, well maybe I'll just show my dick to your mother! That always cheers me up!"
In other words, "You just need to cheer up!" actually means "You need to do a better job of hiding this, Mr. Smelloface."
So Instead, Maybe Try Saying ...
"So, how are things going?"
Some people like talking out their problems, and some don't. So if you notice that a friend is down, hey, give them an opening to talk about it. But please -- please -- don't phrase it as "Why are you in such a bad mood?" or "Tell me what's going on." See, because now you're just interrogating them or issuing a command. And if they make it clear that they don't want to talk about it, please respect that.

That's her "fuck exactly off" face.
And here's why I think "You just need to cheer up!" is the downfall of civilization: It's the fact that we're treating sadness like it's a heart attack or a seizure, something that requires an emergency response. It's not -- it's a perfectly normal, valid state of mind. Sometimes things don't go your way, so you get sad about it. Then things get better and you're happy and the happiness is sweeter because you remember being sad.*
And I think this belief that a normal, well-adjusted human should be happy every waking moment is killing us. It trains us to constantly be seeking little pleasures and distractions (video games, porn, food, weed) to prevent deep reflection on a bad situation, to the point that what we consider a "normal" mood is just a state of breezy distraction.

#2. "You Just Need to Believe in Yourself!"

Also often phrased as "You just need to have confidence!"
This is the catch-all advice for everyone from dudes hitting the dating scene, to new job applicants, to 9ja under 17 quarterbacks -- you'll hear it your whole life. And it is absolutely right, on the surface -- when you go swaggering into a situation acting like a hotshot rock star, people will follow you to the ends of the Earth. So yes, confidence works. People love confidence.
But like much of the advice on this list, it completely misunderstands what it's asking the other person to do.
See, confidence is inspiring and sexy because it is an indicator of past success. If I have not actually had that past success, then you're asking me to simply get really good at faking confidence. And while this is useful advice (becoming an expert at lying is actually a very effective recipe for success, in any field), it's probably not what you intended.

"Welcome aboard. I'm all dead inside."
"That's not it at all, bro!" says Chad the Hypothetical Advice Giver. "We're saying you've just got to go for it! Stop letting your own doubts freak you out and go ask out that girl, or go apply for that job! Take some risks! You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take!"
Sure, that is all factually correct, and I completely understand why it looks so simple from within your bubble. Allow me to explain:
You, Chad, find it easier to take those risks because very early on, you got positive results from taking them. For example, there was a famous basketball player named Magic Jordan, probably, who had the confidence to take difficult shots because he had made them before and had been making them since he was a child. Those past successes are what helped him overcome his fear of future failure. If he had nothing but failure to draw upon, and yet was still confident, then he would be what science calls "a moron."

Fuckin' Chad. Just look at that douche.
So in your case, Chad, you have confidence to ask girls out because they have always responded to you in a certain way. You don't know what I'm talking about, because you have never had it any other way. But go back to being a toddler and relive your life as the weird kid, or the fat kid, or the poor kid. Reach age 12 or 13 and see a group of females give you the same look they give to a spider they found in the bathtub. Go back and get familiar with that body language that says, "No one will be happy or relaxed until you leave." Go back and live your life in a universe that bites your hand when you try to reach out to it. Then see what your confidence is like at age 23.
"What, you're saying my life is easy?" No, everyone's life is hard. It's just that everyone's life is hard in a different way, and confidence is not some secret sauce that solves everything. Your confidence is the result of your past success, not the cause. It's like telling a poor person, "You just need to have some money, bro!"

If only he had made some advice-giving friends.
So Instead, Maybe Try Saying ...
"Remember that, ultimately, nobody gives a fuck."
This sounds completely unrelated to what I was just talking about, but bear with me here.
The idea is that you build confidence with successes, and you get those by starting small and failing a few times, figuring things out as you go. But I find what makes people afraid to do that is fear of looking foolish to the world when they fail. That is based on the mistaken idea that the entire world is watching you and waiting to laugh at your mistakes.
The comforting reality is that nobody gives a fuck. For me, this has always been a very liberating thought, and I have found it to be true virtually every time it's tested.
"Dude. Not a fucking word."
People are simply too tied up with their own lives to care about your failures. You ask the stranger out on a date and they say no, then they forget about you five minutes later. The rest of the world never cared enough to even have anything to forget. You want to get in shape, but are afraid the neighbors will laugh at you if you run, or that the guys at the gym will mock your unfamiliarity with the machines. And they might. But let's say that in the middle of a situp you suddenly get diarrhea so hard that the spray causes your shorts to go flying off. A month later some guys will be all, "Bro, you remember that fat guy who pooped his shorts off while doing situps?" and his friend will be like, "Heh, yeah. So, as I was saying, the doctor says my dad has two months to live ..."
Now, the confident fellow who gives you this advice will also be heard saying ...

#1. "You Just Need to Find What You Were Meant to Do With Your Life!"

Or, "You just need to find the girl/guy you were meant to be with!" Really any advice that implies you were "meant" to have a certain life due to a divine plan.
A huge percentage of people believe this. It comes up in movies and novels, and I swear I can't figure out where this shit came from. Don't tell me it's because you're a Christian and thus believe that "God has a plan for your life" -- that idea is not in the Bible, anywhere. God's plan for you as laid out in that book is for you to not act like a shithead. Nowhere does it say that every man and woman has a soul mate they're destined to find, or a career they are destined to be successful in, or a city they are destined to live in.
It would make no sense for it to say that, because back then if you were the child of a sheep herder, you were "meant" to be a freaking sheep herder. Your "calling" in life was to keep the sheep alive, and to get enough food to last the winter, and for your father to arrange a marriage with a nearby person you could make kids with. This whole concept of reaching your 20s and having to suddenly "find your calling" is a brand new idea in society. It's a modern, First World problem.

"I just really hope fate brings me something than involves my dick."
For us privileged folk reading this, it's horrible news -- it means you have to forge your own future, and the potential for you to screw it up is huge. The failures are all around you -- old, miserable, bitter, lonely people who loathe their jobs and spouses. This shit isn't a movie -- there's no script, no guaranteed happy ending, no smooth path in the woods you simply have to find. You have to make the path by slowly hacking away at the trees and weeds and brambles, one day at a time. And you won't stick with it if you're spending the whole time thinking, "Man, if I don't find my gold-paved road soon, I'm just going to quit."
So Instead, Maybe Try Saying ...
"If this is what you want to do, you have to keep trying."
I think people use "Just find what you were meant to do!" to really mean "Just figure out what your talents are." But for most of us, that won't be apparent for years and years -- you have to try a bunch of shit and see what works. And what "works" isn't "what you are instantly good at the first time you try it," but rather "what engages you, and what you seem to be able to make satisfactory progress learning."
It would be super easy for me, more than anyone, to point at my modest but improbable success and say, "See! It was all meant to be!" But as far as I can tell, success is heavily based on luck -- it's just that long hours earn you more chances to get lucky. The more stuff you do, the more people you meet and impress, the more chances for opportunity to come your way.
My grand message here isn't that life is random and meaningless, although that would make things way easier if it were true (as long as a single person exists on Earth who needs something you're capable of providing, your life will have meaning). But there's no magic formula for making it happen. You just keep grinding, and eventually something will come along. Or not. Who the fuck knows?

Justin Bieber Charged With Criminal Assault

Justin Bieber has been charged with CRIMINAL ASSAULT for allegedly attacking a limousine driver ... TMZ has learned.Justin took a limo in Toronto in December and got into some sort of skirmish.  At the time we were told a member of his entourage was being investigated for roughing up the driver.But the investigation took a turn ... We're told Toronto cops wanted to talk to Justin but he didn't come in for an interview and they got annoyed.  Law enforcement sources say Justin is now in Toronto and in the next hour will go to the police station.Sources say Justin will be booked for assault, given a citation and released on his own recognizance.  Our sources say ... Justin is accused of physically attacking the limo driver ... not simply ordering the attack.Our sources also say 3 other witnesses were interviewed yesterday and at least some of their account incriminated Justin.

Source: TMZ

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Adults Only: Ladies, See How To Win ‘His Heart’ In The Bedroom

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Lesbian Daughter Of Billionaire Who Offered £80million To Any Man Who Marries Her Writes Her Father

The daughter of a flamboyant Hong Kong tycoon who reportedly offered 80million pounds in dowry to the man who marries her, has written an open letter to her father asking him to accept her se*uality.

In an open letter published by South China Morning Post on Wednesday, Gigi Chao, 34, reaches out to her father, asking for him to come to terms with the fact that she is a lesbian.

Earlier this month, Cecil Chao Sze-tsung, a 77-year-old property magnate, insisted that Gigi was 'still single', despite the fact that she married her long-term partner Sean Eav two years ago. He reportedly offered to double his 2012 offer of $65m (£40m).

SEE Gigi' Letter to her father:

Dear Daddy, I thought the timing was right for us to have a candid conversation. You are one of the most mentally astute, energetic yet well mannered and hard-working people this humble earth has ever known. Your confidence, quick wit, and charisma brightens any room you enter. I love you very much, and I think I can speak for my brothers also, that we have the utmost respect for you as a father and role model in business. I am sorry that people have been saying insensitive things about you lately. The truth is, they don't understand that I will always forgive you for thinking the way you do, because I know you think you are acting in my best interests. And we both don't care if anybody else understands. As your daughter, I would want nothing more than to make you happy.

But in terms of relationships, your expectations of me and the reality of who I am, are not coherent. I am responsible for some of this misplaced expectation, because I must have misled you to hope there were other options for me. You know I've had male lovers in the past, and I've had happy, albeit short-lived, relationships. I found myself temporarily happy, buoyed by the freshness, the attention, the interest, of someone physically stronger than myself. But it was always short-lived, as I quickly lost patience, and felt an indescribable discomfort in their presence. It usually made me frustrated, and I would yearn for my freedom again. I've broken a few hearts, hearts of good, honest and loving men, and I'm sorry that it had to be so. But with Sean, a woman, somehow it was different. I am comfortable and satisfied with my life and completely at ease with her. I know it's difficult for you to understand how I could feel romantically attracted to a woman; I suppose I can't really explain it either. It just happens, peacefully and gently, and after so many years, we still love each other very much.

My regret is that you have no idea how happy I am with my life, and there are aspects of my life that you don't share. I suppose we don't need each other's approval for our romantic relationships, and I am sure your relationships are really fantastic too. However, I do love my partner Sean, who does a good job of looking after me, ensuring I am fed, bathed and warm enough every day, and generally cheering me up to be a happy, jolly girl. She is a large part of my life, and I am a better person because of her. Now, I'm not asking you to be best of friends; however, it would mean the world to me if you could just not be so terrified of her, and treat her like a normal, dignified human being. I understand it is difficult for you to understand, let alone accept this truth. I've spent a lot of time figuring out who I am, what is important in my life, who I love and how best to live life, as an expression of all these questions. I am proud of my life, and I would not choose to live it any other way (except also figuring out how to be gentler on the planet). I'm sorry to mislead you to think I was only in a lesbian relationship because there was a shortage of good, suitable men in Hong Kong. There are plenty of good men, they are just not for me. Wishing you happiness.

Patiently yours,

Your daughter, Gigi.

Heartbreaking: Indian Teenager trapped in the body of a toddler

•She stopped growing just before her second birthday
•Ajifa Khatun, 19, is physically and cognitively similar to a two-year-old
•She weighs 1st 3lbs and must be carried everywhere by her mother Apila
•The teen was a healthy baby but stopped growing before turning two
•Doctors have blamed cancer and a hormone disorder for her condition.
•Family still do not know why Ajifa's development appears to have stalled.
•Scientists suggest she could have Laron Syndrome
•Rare genetic condition has affected just 300 people worldwide

At first glance Ajifa Khatun could be any little girl, playing with her brothers and sisters and getting a hug from her doting mother.

But although Ajifa looks like a toddler, she is in fact 19, having stopped growing just before her second birthday.

Ajifa weighs just 1st 3lbs, and still needs to be spoon-fed and carried everywhere by her mother Apila, 42.

The teenager was a healthy baby when she was born in 1994 and it wasn't long before she started to walk and talk.

However, her development then stalled.

Doctors initially told her mother and father, Sekh, 52, that Ajifa would start growing again.

They then blamed cancer for her condition, before suggesting that it could be a hormone disorder and the family are still at a loss as to why Ajifa is how she is.

Scientists believe that Ajifa could have Laron Syndrome, a rare genetic condition, which is believed to have affected just 300 people across the globe – with a third of them living in a remote villages in Ecuador's southern Loja province.

People living with Laron lack a hormone called Insulin-like Growth Factor 1, or IGF-1, which stimulates the cell to grow and divide to form new cells.

Too much of the hormone can lead a person to develop breast, prostate or bowel cancers at an early age, meaning people with Laron will never get cancer, or diabetes.
'Ajifa is likely to maintain her childlike features for the majority of her life,' Tam Fry from the Child Growth Foundation told The Sun. Mr Fry believes Ajifa 'probably' has Laron Syndrome.

Ajifa's younger sisters Rini, 17, Rabiya, 14, and brother Danish, eight, now tower over her, while her vocabulary extends only to 'maa', for mother, 'baba' for father, and 'didi' for sister. She is physically and cognitively similar to a two-year-old, and has an IQ of less than 20. Her condition bears an uncanny resemblance to a US woman, Brooke Greenberg, who died in October last year aged 20 after puzzling doctors for years. No formal diagnosis for Brooke's condition was ever given, leading doctors to term it 'Syndrome X'.

Instead of going to school or out to work like her peers and siblings, Ajifa, who live in Mirapar, West Bengal, India, passes the time playing with local children, only able to take a few baby steps without help. 'She's a delight and always has a smile on her face, but it's heartbreaking to see her trapped in this life,' Mrs Khatun told The Sun. Her father said his 'beautiful' daughter is always smiling and brings joy to her family. 'She doesn't communicate much but she knows what's going on around her,' he said.

My Sexual Escape With D’banj –– AfroCandy

AfroCandy has been off the social media for sometime now and the woman decided to give us an insight into a funny day light "dream" of hers. She said the Koko Master was doing her "things" before the break, lol, and in a rare show of desperation, AfroCandy boasted: "Nobody owns Dbanj's banana yet".

I just hope AfroCandy is not trying to drag D'Banj with Genevieve Nnaji? #badgirlthinz

Randy Pastor Caught For Raping A Teenage Girl In His Church

The Police in Imo State have arrested the General Overseer of a popular Spiritual Church in Ikeduru council area of the state, for allegedly having constant illicit affair with a 13-year-old girl. The girl's father, a widower, said the pastor severally raped his daughter between 2010 and 2013.
According to him: "Between 2010 and 2013, I was sick and a friend of mine introduced me to the prophet. Because of my sickness, I lost my job as a luxury bus driver and also my accommodation in Naze Owerri.

"Consequently, the prophet offered me accommodation in his house which he also uses as church. I moved in with my two little daughters. Because of my condition then, I did not know that the prophet was taking advantage of my predicament to defile one of my daughters.

"One of the days, his wife caught him trying to abuse my daughter and she raised the alarm, which made the husband to send her packing.

"Because of that, I sent my children away but the prophet threatened me, saying that I must bring my children back to the church. It was when my daughters went out of the prophet's custody that they could narrate their ordeal to me.

"Ironically, the prophet went to the police recently to report that I arranged to kidnap my daughters from his house."

The randy pastor's arrest followed a petition written to the Owerri Police Area Command by the lawyer to the father of the alleged rape victim, Mr Emperor Iwuala.
Confirming the petition, Mr Iwuala told Vanguard that the said prophet was currently under investigation by the police for buying an alleged stolen vehicle.

When the suspect's prayer house was visited, a worshipper who spoke on condition of anonymity confirmed that the pastor was arrested by the police and was still in their custody.

Is Governor Sullivan Now Fighting With His Deputy? Deputy Gov's Poultry Farm Gets Invaded

About 3,500 chickens and about 40 crates of eggs were on Monday carted away from the poultry farm of the Enugu State Deputy Governor, Mr. Sunday Onyebuchi, as officials of the state Capital Territory Development Authority (ECTDA) and Ministry of Environment invaded his official lodge, allegedly on the "orders from above." According to reports, the carting away of the chickens and eggs is preparatory for the eventual destruction of the farm.

The ECTDA and Environment Ministry officials who were led by their commissioners, Messrs Ikechukwu Ugwuegede and Nnaemeka Chukwuone respectively, arrived the lodge at about 1pm on Monday to inform the Deputy Governor of an order to evacuate the birds and demolish the poultry which the government claimed was constituting public health hazard.

Onyebuchi, who was with his wife and personal aides, including his security officers attached to his office at the lodge, which had been under renovation since September 2012, did not resist the action of the officials, who later brought in four trucks and evacuated the chickens to an unknown destination.When the government officials mobilised by the two commissioners could not evacuate the entire birds, Ugwuegede was said to have mobilised more uniformed officials of his ministry, who spent about an hour evacuating the birds and the crates of eggs into the four trucks and took them away.

Shocked by the evacuation, the Enugu State Deputy Governor Sunday Onyebuchi described it as a wicked act of impunity against him. That the action was shocking, was intended to humiliate him, and that those behind the act were hiding their motive.
According to him, while speaking with newsmen yesterday:

They mentioned the environmental or health hazard emanating from my poultry farm. In their statement, they claimed they had asked me to clean up the place and I refused. Let them produce a letter asking me to do that. It is not true.

The poultry farm was a designated Agriculture Unit, the structure had been used as a poultry farm before I became deputy governor.  I have operated the poultry farm since 2008. That was why I put in my Assets Declaration at the end of my first term and at the beginning of this term that I have operated the poultry farm and this was verified by the Code of Conduct Bureau. How suddenly did my poultry farm become a health hazard when it has been in existence since 2008? Let them deny that there is no bigger poultry farm, piggery and cattle ranch in the Governor's Lodge!

My poultry farm was properly run and cleaned because it was run with the technical support from the state Ministry of Agriculture. If they succeed in deceiving the public, they can never deceive God. As I am talking to you, the over 3,000 chickens confiscated yesterday and their whereabouts are unknown. They also removed bags of feeds and feeders and other materials.

Asked of his next action, the deputy governor said:

"For now, I am presenting the matter to God, because the person behind it is powerful and my challenging him will be like using a vehicle to collide with a moving train."

The ECTDA Commissioner, however, declined to comment on the development when approached by newsmen who rushed to the scene from the nearby Press Unit of the Government House, saying he did not invite any journalist to witness the exercise.

7 Dumbest Things Students Do When Cramming for Exams

Each year before the holidays, University students find themselves staring down the barrel of exam week. Fortunately, they're totally serious about learning the information and they aren't getting up from this desk until they do! Unfortunately, desperation can only be directly converted into high scores on reality TV. But this crawling panic and insane workload is a great learning experience. University is all about preparing for the real world, and this is one of life's favorite lessons to teach: You've screwed up badly and there will soon be a reckoning. How do you deal with that?

Plan A
The first and most important thing is to actually deal with it, because running away from school only dumps you in the real world faster. And make no mistake: In the game of life University isn't even easy mode, it's the bonus level. You want to enjoy it all the way to the end. Here are seven ways your brain can trick you into studying without actually learning anything.

#7. Osmosis Doesn't Work

Listen, students, this might sound crazy but it's important: You are not squirrels. You may be hyperactive mammals frantically running around trying to mate, hibernate and look hilariously retarded in online photographs, but there's an important difference: Hoarding things doesn't help you. Students spend the days leading up to exams stockpiling handouts, photocopies, printouts and textbooks by the video game logic that simply owning books makes you smarter.

My TempleRun score is higher than my IQ.
Your head won't absorb knowledge because you built a library on your table. If you find yourself doing this, simply take a deep breath, and tell yourself it's not your fault. You're trying to cram three-six months worth of information into a brain that stress has tricked into thinking it's being chased by a bear. Hell, you're lucky you're not wearing your socks on your hands right now.
But that doesn't mean you should let yourself off the hook when you notice yourself doing this. One thing I've noticed in UNILAG without fail is that the terrible students would "study" by piling up work all around them, then sit there wasting time and being miserable until the clock said they were finished. Which is actually brilliant preparation because that's exactly the type of job they'll get.
Instead, try starting with something manageable like reading one book you were supposed to have read. And when you do, keep in mind that ...

#6. Highlighters Aren't Magic

If you've ever been to a coffee shop within two miles of one, you've seen a student painting their notes like a My Little Pony in drag, In Thailand (kid stuff).I need not explain that highlighter pens aren't like supermarket scanners -- they might drag bright lights over things but they don't instantly upload data.

If fluorescent pink burned information into brains no one would be against gay marriage.
Again, this is just your brain flipping out. People having nervous breakdowns revert back to infancy and start flinging their poop around. You're having 40 percent of a nervous breakdown, and reverting to preschool logic. "I'll take the most essential parts of my course and COLOR THEM IN! Yay!"
It's understandable, but it's profoundly stupid. If you notice yourself lighting a textbook up, drop the highlighter. Instead, try writing out the key points of your reading material on a separate page you can study easily and anywhere. If that sounds like too much work, well done, you've just found out why people highlight instead.

#5. Stop Nest Building

In times of stress, the Examinated Student (Stressus Procrastinatus) can spend over an hour crafting the perfect study nest to defend itself from guilt. It all has to be just right, from lighting to coffee, because every single thing that needs to be fixed is another reason not to actually study yet. Some students spend longer trying to reach the perfect setup than Buddhist Monks spend trying to reach Nirvana, and with less tangible results.

I simply can't study without at least one photogenic minority in shot (coversface).

#4. If You're Re-Reading, You're Probably Not Really Studying

Re-reading your notes does not count as studying, even if it is the easiest way to technically study while watching Mad Men. Also, you're ruining Mad Men. Watch Mad Men, and then set aside time to actually engage with the material. If you're in science or engineering, do problems. If you're in history, write out key elements of a period in a paragraph, or try to teach the chapters you've read to your lazy roommate who didn't read them, and have him try to teach you the ones he read.
If you're in English lit, put down the play you already read, and write a one page essay discussing how Hamlet was the greatest pussy of all time. If you're in Mass Comm, practice reporting a recent event. Do something, anything, which tests your knowledge or makes you actually think, then use your notes to find out what you'd forgotten. Then do the problem again. Instead of sitting and reconfirming, "Yep, I sure can read this language all right!"

#3. Do Exam Problems

There is no way to say this without sounding patronizing: If you're preparing to do an exam, prepare by doing exams. Every year millions of students do their first exam-style problem in the exam hall, and if there's one thing we learned from sec school it's that the first time you do anything important, you suck at it. Even if you suck at it.

"I wish he'd study a little harder. And not fall asleep during the first question."
Odds are your course wasn't created this session. They've been asking the same questions for years, and the only reason they even pretend to change the wording is because they'll lose their accreditation if they don't. Exam banks, older students, just Googling your course code and the word "exam," there's no excuse for not practicing what you actually have to do. Many students think of preparing for exams like Dragon Ball Z: You focus and concentrate all sorts of power with endless text for weeks, then fire it all out in one perfect blast. But exams are just like everything else. You get good at things by doing them as many times as possible. Which is also most students' real plan in college anyway.

#2. Skip the "I'm So Screwed" Competitions

"I'm so screwed!" The attention-seeking cry of the idiot, one who knows they desperately need to fix themselves but would rather have attention for being useless instead. It's the Nigerian Idol of exam season.
SCENE: Library, two dumbasses.
A: Omigod I'm so screwed for this test!
B: I didn't go to half the lectures!
A: Well I didn't go to any!
B: Well I ran over the professor's wife!
A: Well I'm brain-damaged because I was having sex with her in front of the professor when you hit her!
B: Oh hey, I just realized that there are other University students having sex with each other right now!

#1. Don't Complain That the Lectures Didn't Prepare You for the Exam

Complaining that the exam was unfair is generally the best way to go through the uncomfortable process of failing a class, while not learning that any of the above strategies are bullshit.
The most common post-exam complaint is, "Why didn't the lecturers just teach us how to do the exam?" For the same reason sex isn't just wetting a condom and throwing it in the toilet. Your professors are actually trying to teach you the subject. Exams aren't the point of education. They're the flaccid little appendix we still sort of need to test if people have been turning up. Exams used to be walking into a room with all the smart people and just talking to them until they decided whether you were a dumbass or not. We suspect most students don't want to go back to that.

I'm sorry, but here at The Real World Incorporated there's no multiple choice section. You actually have to know what the fuck you're talking about.
Now that higher institution isn't just for nobility we can't do it that way. Hundreds of thousands of people get into higher institution. This is progress. But it's not going to be a perfect system.
You're in a University to learn how to think and do things. Exams are an extremely small part of that. If you treat the only minor obstacles in four years of opportunity unmatched in the entire history of human civilization as a huge hassle to be avoided, you're right when you say the educational system isn't working for you. But it's not the educational system's fault. It's your #WORD

Wishing my unilag peeps success in their exams #SUCCESS

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Robber steal Pope John Paul’s blood from Italy church

A team of robber broke into a small mountain church in the east of Rome over the weekend and stole a reliquary with late Pope John Paul's II blood.

Some of John Paul's blood was saved after an assassination attempt that nearly killed him in St. Peter's Square on May 13, 1981.

Franca Corrieri, custodian of the reliquary, said she had discovered a broken window early on Sunday morning and called the police.

She said when they entered the small stone church they found the gold reliquary and a crucifix missing.

Corrieri said the incident felt more like a "kidnapping'' than a theft as she could not say if the intention of the thieves may have been to seek a ransom for the blood.

She said apart from the reliquary and a crucifix, nothing else was stolen from the isolated church, even though the thieves would probably have had time to take other objects during the night-time theft.

Reuters reports that John Paul, who died in 2005, loved the mountains in the Abruzzo region east of Rome and sometimes slip away from the Vatican secretly to hike or ski there and pray in the church.

It said that the Polish-born John Paul, who reigned for 27 years, was due to be made a saint of the Roman Catholic Church in May, meaning the relic would become more noteworthy and valuable.

In 2011, John Paul's former private secretary, Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, gave the local Abruzzo community some of the late pontiff's blood as a token of the love he had felt for the mountainous area.

It was put in a gold and glass circular case and kept in a niche of the small mountain church of San Pietro della Ienca, near the city of L'Aquila

Julius Agwu Poses With Pregnant Ciara

This is what you get when you go where you aren't noticed, nice photo..
The funny part of the picture is when the photographer tries to capture him with Ciara very well, you no what they say, "Opportunity comes but once" ……….

KCee Pays Nicki Minaj N68million Naira to feature In his new song

Nigeria's rave of the moment Afro pop singer Limpopo Master himself Kcee, is teaming up with American Rap Queen Nicki Minaj, according to sources.

Currently, Nigerian pop singer Kcee and his label colleague Harry song aka Mr Songz are in USA, for the 56th Edition of the Grammy Awards which was held on Sunday January 26th, 2014.

According to sources Nigerian singer Kcee, is set to release another hot new single featuring Nicki Minaj, while his main purpose of attending the prestigious event is to finalize the collaboration with her.

It was said that Kcee, paid a whooping prize of 400,000 dollars (68 million naira) to have Nicki on the song.

Nollywod Actress Accused Of Stealing, Tells Her Own Side Of The Story

The end is yet to be heard of the theft allegation levelled against budding actress, Yetunde Akilapa, who was beaten up in Magodo Phase 2, Lagos for allegedly stealing.
In an exclusive interview with ENCOMIUM Weekly, Yetunde who says people should not ruin her life and career, that she is fed up with life and that she's not what people think she is got to tell her own side of the story.
•How did the incidence of January 12 2014 happen? It was reported that you were caught in the dining room of a house in Magodo, and the owner of the house met you there with suspicion that you are there for the wrong reasons. Can you shed more light on the story?

 That day I wanted to take my clothes to dry-cleaners. Meanwhile my younger sister had told me earlier that she was not feeling fine. I now planned to go to her place after dropping my clothes. I told my friend whom I was putting up with in Ketu that I wanted to go to Bariga to see my sister. That day I also wanted to go to church but I didn't know what happened to me. I just decided to forget about church.
As I wanted to board a bus to Bariga, something told me to cross to the other side of the road and take
keke NAPEP going to Magodo. That was how I boarded the keke going to Magodo with my bag, clothes and four keys on me.
On getting to Magodo, I saw a house and went there straight. I didn't see any gateman there. I opened the door because it wasn't locked. I entered the house and slept off in the dining room. That's all I knew till one man just woke me up.
He started interrogating me, asking me a lot of questions which I could not answer. He didn't accuse me of coming to rob or steal anything but he only wanted to know who I was looking for. But I didn't know what to say because everything was like a mystery to me.

He said I should go first. As I wanted to step out, he instructed the security men there not to allow me move an inch. They were all shouting Thief! Thief!!
Immediately he picked his phone and called his brother, telling him he met a  strange woman in the house when he came back from church and when he was leaving the house, he locked the door. So he was surprised when he found me in their dining room.

How did she enter? He started saying a lot of things, I was trying to explain to them that I didn't use any key to open the door. I just entered and sat on the dining table and that was how I slept off. I told them I was also confused, I couldn't explain how I got to their place.
That was the time I began to realize I was at the wrong place.

Then when the owner of the house came, he also started interrogating me, he said I should confess the person that sent me. He asked whether I was sent to kill him. He thought I came with fetish things, and I said no. He said I should just confess. He even said maybe I was sent to kill his wife. He never accused me of stealing.

As he was saying all of this, I was pleading, telling them I wanted to give my clothes to the drycleaners. They asked of the person's name and I told them Bisi. And they checked my phone and found her number.
When they called her to find out, she told them she didn't stay in Magodo but Maryland. That was how they said I was not saying the truth, that I didn't want to expose the person that sent me. Before I knew it, one guy just hit me in the head with a club. That's all I knew.

By the time I regained consciousness, they had invited my friend. When she came, she was shocked to see me in that state. She was screaming. Those people now concluded that they would take me to the police station but before then, they took me to a private hospital to get me treated.

When we got to the police station, they started drilling me and I explained the way I explained to them at the house. They asked the owner of the house if I stole anything, he said no but the way they found me in the house was suspicious. He said maybe I was sent by somebody on a diabolical mission.

Their pastor also came and I explained the whole thing to him also, he prayed for me. He said my problem is spiritual. He said God wanted to deliver me that's why I came to that house that day. But now, my problem is over. That's how I was asked to go.

Sexy Or Trashy?

This ass is confusing oh. You like?
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Monday, 27 January 2014

Prophet TB Joshua Delivers A Gay Nigerian, Restores Him Back To Being Straight!

According to a testimony from one of Prophet TB Joshua's church member yesterday on Emmanuel TV, Thaddeus a Nigerian but living in Cameroon used to be gay. But thanks to Prophet TB Joshua, that demon was been chased out of him after an encounter with Prophet TB Joshua's Wise men.
Mr Thaddeus, a Nigerian from Imo State but residing in Cameroon, was travelling to Asia and had a long stopover in an African country where he stayed in a hotel with a swimming pool. He went for a swim with fellow men then went to eat and sleep.  
That night in a dream, he saw himself swimming in the same swimming pool naked with other men. When he woke up, he was sweating and something entered him and he realised that he no longer had passion for women but rather began to develop passion for men like him.  

Returning after the trip, Thaddeus broke his relationship with his fiancée who was shocked and could not understand why. Once free from the relationship, something pushed him to research on the internet about relationships with men. And as a French translator in his church,Thaddeus continued assisting in the church while still living that lifestyle and indulging in these sinful desires.  
One day, his pastor asked him to go to The SCOAN for deliverance but did not specify why. On New Year's Eve, he decided that he could not enter 2014 the same and persuaded his cousin to fund his ticket to visit The SCOAN in Lagos, Nigeria.  
 He arrived in Lagos and found a hotel. He saw the same man from the hotel in his dreams having an affair with him and immediately woke up and determined that he could not sleep anymore but rather made his way to The SCOAN that night. Upon arriving at The SCOAN, he was in one of the many overflow canopies and could not get a pass to enter the church. From nowhere, an old woman who he had never met before handed him a pass, saying, "Here, take mine and go inside."  
He entered and when the wise men were praying, he started to feel like running away. As Wise Man Christopher approached him, he became angry and when he touched him, a voice within him spoke out and he lost control of himself. He knew he was speaking but did not know what he was saying until he was finally delivered in the name of Jesus Christ.  

 Now, after his deliverance, he testified that his desires have changed and he no longer has passion for men but rather for women. He can now pray and read his Bible without distraction and diversion. In his advice Thaddeus said: 
Now I am delivered, I no longer have affection for men but for ladies. If you come across someone with the same problem, you should not condemn. The only answer is deliverance.

Revealed!!! Safe Vs Unsafe Vaginal Grooming Trends

Vaginal grooming isn't just about going for a Brazilian wax or trimming. If you were to know what all it entails, you'd be surprised how much can be done 'down there'. But, it is safe to know what's good for you because for many women vaginal grooming holds great importance. If you're one of them, do take out time because here's what you ought to know.

•Cleansing Products
There are a lot of products such as soaps and gels available in the market to maintain vaginal hygiene but these can play havoc with pH balance and cause infections. Consider these points:
There is no need to buy products that require you to clean your v**ina through a nozzle or what is normally known as douching. Your v**ina maintains its pH balance through mucous discharge and healthy bacteria propel to keep infections from causing much trouble.
To keep vaginal odour at bay, make sure you take bath regularly, change out of wet panty, and don't wear tight jeans.

•Bikini Wax
You want to head south and get rid of your pubic hair because you want it clean and sexy? Take these precautions:
Make sure you go to a salon that not just claims good hygiene but is hygienic too. Otherwise you might end up catching infections.
Keep in mind that waxing can tear your skin tissues and result in rashes, ingrown hair and other infections. See a doctor if you notice anything unusual down there. However, if you have anyway decided to go for it, wear a soft panty after getting it done so that your skin breathes. Also, don't scrub the pubic area for the next 48 hours.

Most women end up shaving and trimming their pubic hair, but you can cut down on the cuts and other problems if you are extra careful.
Resist the urge to shave if you have ingrown hair bumps or cuts. Let the redness phase out so that there's no pain while you shave. Unfortunately, if you still shave, you will leave place for an ugly scar.
Do not wear tight clothes immediately after shaving because your skin becomes over-sensitive to moisture and bacteria.
Do not take hot shower after shaving because it will be as good as inviting trouble for the open pores.

Never heard that people bleach their pubic area? Well, you're in for a treat of much more information on it then.
Bleaching is a chemical way of lightening the skin tone. It can, however cause irritation, leave behind blisters and at times burns too. Considering the kind of risk involved, it is safe to say that you stay away from bleaching. But, if you insist on going for it, make sure you report any kind of mishap to your doctor immediately.
Well, so far so good if you have tried any of the vaginal grooming measures and if it didn't backfire. But, for the near future, keep all the safety measures in mind and then take a step. Yes, vaginal grooming is essential but keep a check on your obsession. Too much isn't always too good!

You enjoyed it right? Ff @unilagparole

Pharrel's Hat To The Grammys Gets Its Own Twitter Page

Pharrell's hilarious hat to The Grammys is trending right now on Twitter. A hat that seemingly got Beyoncé screaming when she first saw it on Pharrell.
That hat is so hot right now that some guys went ahead to create a Twitter page for it.

Photo: Jackie Appiah Rocking Her Natural Hair

Ghanaian actress Jackie Appiah photographed today rocking her natural hair. She looks really good without the weaves.

Kelly Rowland Is Coming To Nigeria For Darey’s ‘Love Like a Movie’ Concert

Destiny's Child Kelly Rowland will be live in Lagos come 15th of February 2014 for the second edition of Darey Art Alade's music concert, Love Like a Movie (LLAM).
Kelly will be hosting the red carpet/fashion police with Darey just like Kim Kardashian did last year. The concert is set to hold at the Ocean View Grounds, Eko Hotel, Lagos.

The last time Kelly was in Nigeria, for the ThisDay Music Festival in 2007, Kelly had collapsed on stage while performing. Dehydration was cited as the cause.

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Man Claiming To Be Prophet Mohammed Gets Sentenced to Death For Blasphemy!

Human rights campaigners are calling for the immediate release of a British man sentenced to death under Pakistan's blasphemy laws.
Mr Mohammad Asghar was arrested in 2010 after he claimed to be Prophet Mohammed in letters sent to various officials. A judge convicted and sentenced him last Thursday following a trial.

But a lawyer who defended Mr Asghar said he suffers from mental illness and the case was really a property dispute.
Amnesty International's deputy Asia Pacific director Polly Truscott said:

'D'Banj & Genevieve Nnaji Are Not Dating! It Was All A Publicity Stunt' - Insider

According to Encomium Weekly, inside sources have confirmed to them that there is no intimate relationship between Nigeria's top entertainer D'Banj and A-list Nollywood actress, Genevieve Nnaji.
That what happened on Saturday, December 14, 2013, at the Nigerian Breweries Plc’s sponsored event tagged, Club Ultimate, shouldn’t be used as evidence that the celebrities have rekindled their love cos it’s all a publicity stunt.

ENCOMIUM Weekly says they were at the event when D’Banj, garbed in a white shirt, straight cut
black jeans and a black waist coat, drove in in a black Bentley (one of the two Bentleys he bought while in the defunct Mo’Hits), followed by a G-Wagon, which was driven by the gifted thespian, Genevieve.
Obviously, the expression on D’Banj’s face showed that he wanted the actress, and they displayed public affection for each other.

But the source said there was no intimacy in what we all saw that night, other than having fun. The source, who did not want his name published said:

Hot Couple Of The Day (Photo)


It's Not A Joke Anymore, You Are One Selfish Modafucker! - Tonto Dikes Blasts Ay

Another Nollywood star is blasting comedian Ay for making a joke of her. This time it is Ay's close friend Tonto Dikeh and she's not even accepting his apology unlike Jim Tyke.
Ay had reposted a link to a story on his blog about Tonto Dikeh's Calabar Christmas carnival wear. Tonto saw it, just didn't like and put her friend on blast even though he has deleted the tweet and apologised. She even mentioned she could expose his lil secrets. This is serious.
Read their tweets below:

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Still Single? 10 Reasons You Haven’t Found ‘The One

Single & Looking: Why You Haven't Found True Love
Singles who work with me sometimes wonder what they’ve been doing wrong. They’re confused about why love hasn’t found them yet, and how they can move forward to find love now. As a matchmaker, my first job is always to get to know my client. I encourage them to open up in order to learn more about themselves and who their best match would be. We work together to discover what hasn’t worked for them in the past so that we can agree on a resolution for the future.
It’s important to remember that a lot of people struggle when it comes to dating, and many of their struggles are similar. Daters may think they are alone in their struggles, but all singles face obstacles at one point or another.
Here are the top 10 dating obstacles that the singles I work with face:

Tips To Get A Flat Belly

Why bother sucking it in? Especially when there are better, and more effective ways to shrink that tummy down.
Here are just some of our surprising expert tips to help you shed inches and pounds, banish the bloat, and feel even more gorgeous. Hello, skinny jeans and summer shorts!
Enjoy An Afternoon Snack
“You must eat a snack that contains protein between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. Go for a protein bar, a piece of low-fat cheese, or some almonds with an organic apple.
No matter what, do not miss that snack. It’s important because it boosts metabolism and balances blood sugar. The lower you keep your blood sugar, the lower you keep your insulin, and insulin makes you store fat around your middle. Eating every three to four hours will keep your blood sugar even, but many people tend to go five or six hours between lunch and dinner without eating.”

Mary J. Blige’s Father In Critical Condition After Ex-GF Stabs Him In The Neck

Mary J. Blige’s father is reportedly in critical condition at a hospital in Michigan after being stabbed early Thursday morning.
Thomas Blige, age 63, was stabbed in the neck by his ex-girlfriend in a domestic dispute at an apartment complex in  Michigan.He had confronted his girlfriend because he believed she had slashed his car tires.

When police found Blige in his apartment, he had been stabbed three times, including one neck injury. Police arrested the woman, who was wearing blood-splattered clothing when she was arrested.

Unfortunately, this isn't the first domestic run-in between these two. Reports say seven calls, all domestic violence complaints have been reported between Blige and his 50-year-old ex-girlfriend since August.

Hot Or Not? ..Featuring Lady Gaga

27 years old singer Lady Gaga at the Louvre art gallery in Paris last week.
She's rocking a Gianni Versace metallic chequered catsuit, long silver braided wig and huge black platform shoes.
You like?

Check Out This Super Cute Photo Of Baby North West & Penelope Disick Kim Kardashian Just Shared!

Kim Kardashian just instagrammed this new sweet picture of cousins - her 7-month-old baby Nori with Scott Disick and Kourtney Kardashian's 18-month-old daughter Penelope Disick.
Kim simply captioned it: "BFFs!"