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Thursday, 30 January 2014


The usual activities were on in unilag yesterday night. Guys and laidies were on the normal hangout parole at one of the hookups venue in unilag. That's access bank frontage opposite newhall. The bank's frontage is good for meeting new girls and the parking space also gives it an edge over cool venues in unilag because you could just park and observe under its slightly lit environment. Around 9:30pm, i heard gunshots and saw students running into their various hostels 'gen gen gen gen' was the first sound i made as my journalistic instinct told me to go out but the body wasn't willing, you all know why. After 30mins, the whole school became quiet and we were asked to maintain our position. I was on my bed initially so i maintained my bed position till this morning. First thing i did this morning was, go to the scene of the mayhem and the first thing i noticed was blood. Immediately i began my enquiry because the gunshots i heard were from the guns the security men on duty used. After asking around and making some calls, i managed to lay my hands on an eyewithness from the faculty of science. She told me everything she saw as i could feel her shivering under her makeup and clothes. Must have been a horrible scene. The guy was said to be sitting down with his friends and some guys approached him, a little argument and the next thing a guy brought out was a machete which he used on the guy and everybody around fled eventhough he was said to be shouting for help. After 10mins of silently macheting the guy, the security men showed up shooting into the air while the evil doers fled. As at the time of this report, the guy is said to be dead. May his soul rest in peace.
Could this be the rise or return back of cultism to UNILAG???


  1. Oga u be big dey post wetin uno dey sure about....yes he was machetted but d gunshot came later in front of newhall at d security post... There was no form of argument before he was axed down.....if u want views... Post what you are sure of...smh

  2. We know u and we comming 4 ur head!

  3. Ha! Wahala de! Pls dnt cum 4 his head o! He is onli duin his job o. U 2 dnt  wat u dnt knw plsssssssss

  4. Anonymous 12.50 he didn't say he was dre he sed according Τ̲̅ȍ an eye witness if u were beta dan him u shud av written urz.

  5. Only cowards menace dia fellow @u coming 4 sm1s head, well lemme tel u evn u get his head, u won't increase n knowledge rather, u wud jst b d dummy u av alwayz been.


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