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Saturday, 8 March 2014

Things That Make You A Perfect Girlfriend And Wife Material
Although every man will have his own unique criteria when it comes to deciding if someone would make a good girlfriend, there are some characteristics that men across the board say they want in a relationship. They’re not limited by your age or body shape but many women may not be aware of what they are. So, here’s my top 10. 

1. She likes herself – men are generally attracted to women who are comfortable with themselves. He doesn’t want to have to boost your flagging ego every time you go out. When you say you feel fat or ugly, a man can feel hurt if he thinks you’re beautiful. 

2. You’re appreciative – if a woman is appreciative of the little thing a man does for her, he will go to the ends of the earth for her. Always tell him you’ve noticed and appreciate the things he does, big and small. 

3. Clarity – men hate mind games and being made to second guess what women want. He will see you as great girlfriend material if you’re clear and upfront about what you’re asking of him, what you need and things you want to do. 

 4. Independence – although men love to feel they are needed and make a difference in their woman’s life, they also want to feel she has other interests outside the relationship because then he can too. A girlfriend who is too dependent can quickly smother a man’s affections. 

5. Respect for men – many women don’t respect men and they know it. They see them as overgrown boys ruled by their smallest parts. This is grossly unfair and a man will know if you’re tarring him with this brush. A good girlfriend will take time to get to know him as an individual and show as much respect as she would to anyone else. 

6. Approval – men are not unique in their desire for approval but when it comes to intimate relationships, it’s vitally important that you communicate your wants and needs through approval rather than criticism. Tell him what he does well and he’ll want to do more. When you criticise him you’re withdrawing approval and it can seriously undermine his desire to contribute to the relationship if he feels he can never please you. 

 7. Prowess – a man wants to be the alpha male in his partner’s life, so he’ll look for a girlfriend who helps him feel like a strong and capable man. Every man wants to be told they’re the best lover you’ve ever had and the more you compliment him, the better he will become. 

 8. Equality – although a man may come to want to pay for meals or take care of you at the dating stage, when they’re looking for a good mate, they’re looking for someone who won’t take advantage of their generosity. 

9. Openness – men are attracted mostly to women who make them feel good about themselves and for that to happen a woman needs to be open and demonstrative with her feelings. Body language, smiling, laughing and words of appreciation will help a man see the potential in a relationship. 

10. You’re sexy – remember sexy is an attitude not a body shape or outfit. The animal instinct in a man responds to the sensual and s*xual energy you exude and what he is (often unconsciously) looking for is a woman who responds to him in a positive way because it makes him feel desirable.

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