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Sunday, 6 April 2014

This Lady's Before & After Makeup Photo will Definitely Blow your Mind!! (Photos)

Was just going through Instagram when I discovered this lady's page. Her name is Sassy J and she was actually born with no eyebrows.

People made fun of her everytime, even her mom had a nickname for her - 'BALD FACE' and to get her self esteem back, Sassy J learnt how to work makeup and right now, she can work her face into any look.

Check out her breathtaking photos after the cut and read her so sad story too:

I haven't done a before and after without my contacts. So I decided it would be better to show you all my actual eye color before putting in my green contacts lens (that way you can all see the total transformation). I know I'll get criticized for the way I look in my before pic but it's ok! Makeup is a skill that I'm happy I was blessed with. I can literally make my face look anyway and to me that's talent. Makeup is artistry and those who are good at it truly treat it as a art like I do.  
My mom has a nickname for me growing up...she use to call me BALD FACE since I didn't have eyebrows. For a longtime I let that nickname affect me and also my confidence...but after a while I embraced that nickname and I started experimenting with my eyebrows and also other types of makeup.  
I learned from YouTube videos how to apply my makeup and also read books and magazine articles on it as well. I wasn't the greatest at makeup at first but overtime I became really good at it and the rest is truly history after that.  
So to all the woman out there it's ok to be DIFFERENT. I know I'm not the norm and it's ok because being unique is so much more valuable than blending in with the NORM. Beauty is in the eye of those who choose to see it for what it is. And I'll always embrace my individuality because it's gotten me far in life and always will.  
-Sassy J.

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