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Friday, 2 May 2014

Photos From The Bomb Explosion That Rocked Zuba Park Yesterday

People gather close to the site of the explosion in Abuja, Nigeria - 1 May 2014

An apparent car bomb attack yesterday, Thursday killed at least 19 people and injured many more in the Nigerian capital, Abuja, police say.
The blast happened in Nyanya suburb, near a motor park where at least 70 people died in a blast on 14 April.
Witnesses said the explosion occurred close to a police checkpoint.
No group has claimed responsibility for Thursday's attack. The Islamist militant group Boko Haram said it was behind the fatal explosion last month.
The BBC's Will Ross in Abuja says Nyanya is a religiously mixed area and it is not clear why the area has been targeted.
Fears over security
Charles Osueke, who was in the area at the time of the blast, told the BBC that it was just 200m (650ft) away from the 14 April explosion.
"People in the crowd were saying that a man parked his car, walked away and the next thing they know, the car blew up," he said.
"I'm worried about our security here. After the last explosion the president said he would increase security," Mr Osueke added.
"There were policemen around when this explosion happened and they didn't manage to stop it."
The head of Nigeria's Emergency Management Agency, Abbas Idriss, told the BBC that 19 people were killed in the blast and 60 others were injured.

Culled from BBCNews
National Emergency officials have reported an explosion in Zuba park beside furniture market, Nyanya, Abuja. And according to eyewitnesses, there are many casualties, now 70 persons are reported dead. The death and injury tolls are certain to rise, as there are more bodies on the ground... Emergency services and police on ground are currently evacuating survivors to local hospitals.

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People running for their dear lives

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