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Sunday, 1 June 2014

Ray J arrested for sexual battery, spitting on cops e.t.c

The Beverly Hills Police department has since confirmed Ray J’s arrest, according to DailyDigestNews. The site reports that the singer has, in fact, been charged with vandalism, resisting arrest, and battery and was released on $20,000 bail.
Ray J’s court date is set for July 25th at the West District Airport Courthouse near LAX. We Will keep you posted on the latest.
After Ray J reportedly “made contact with a woman’s ass at a swanky Bev Hills hotel,” someone called the cops on the young celebrity to report a sexual battery, which eventually led to Ray J’s arrest.

Apparently, the 33-year-old “I Hit It First” singer was asked to leave the venue after cops determined Ray J’s contact with the woman’s behind was “incidental” but instead of just heading out and partying it up somewhere else, Ray J ” became belligerent.”
TMZ reports:
Apparently Ray J was asked to leave and all was ok, until he got to the valet area, where cops say he became belligerent and then refused drive off. Hotel security made a citizen’s arrest and BHPD cops obliged and took Ray into custody. TMZ broke the story … Ray kicked out the back window of the police vehicle and spit in an officer’s face.  He was booked for trespassing, vandalism, resisting arrest, and battery on a police officer.
Gotdamn. Ray J posted bail by the wee hours of the morning and was seen leaving the Beverly Hills Police Department with a huge smile on his face (not pictured).

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