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Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Top 10 Lies Unilag Girls Tell themselves Often

Please find a place to read this- where you can be alone and uninterrupted. Clear your mind of everything except what you will read and what you will be invited to imagine. Don’t worry about school or your schedule but just focus on this and really open your mind.
It’s a rather normal day on campus and that pretty Unilag girl just woke up. She probably prays, get cleaned up and dresses up for class. On her way to class, she spots a fine-ass-passers-by dude who she gives 2 or 3 stares before she gets distracted by a Mercedes automobile that flashes by her. After classes, she rushes to her hostel to prepare for a date. She gets back early, gists her roomies about the guy and the date when she gets a call from her coursemate who is downstairs and wants to see her. She agrees to come down, she meets with him, they talk till dawn, hug themselves goodnight and then she goes back up to her room to sleep.   Now think deeply. Can you envision all the usual lies this particular girl would have told herself on this day? Well I can and they’d probably go like this:

“Just 5 more minutes”
Ok so maybe everybody does this but it still has to be mentioned. This lie would have occurred when she was just waking up from last night’s sleep (or lack of) and these 5 minutes that she promises herself ends up being a lot more. Then she wakes up later on only to lie to herself again and again- part of the reason she comes late to class every now and then.

“I have nothing to wear”
She has finally got up for real, gotten cleaned up and now it’s time to dress up. Then she tells this lie. Ummm yes you do have something to wear. You are staring at your locker full of clothes.

“I need a new (insert clothing item here)”
Now she has finally picked up something to wear. Then she tells this lie again. Though similar to number 2, but this time, she is able to pin point what she really doesn’t need, she probably just wants it.
“He doesn’t have to have money”
Remember the fine-ass-passers-by she came across on her way to class? She found him quite attractive after the profiling. Then she lies to herself when she goes like “I could really dig this guy. He doesn’t have to have money”. She keeps telling herself this until that automobile flashes by her. She’s definitely back to her senses after this.

“Guys are just intimidated by me” This is another thing she probably tells herself when the guy didn’t approach her. She starts to feel as if she’s Oprah Winfrey or Nicki Minaj and that’s probably why the guy didn’t approach. He didn’t have the guts. Hey dear. I’m sorry to tell you but maybe you’re not as hot as you think.
“I don’t care where he takes me”
This is the lie she tells herself when she’s going on the date- and a blatant lie at that. She really cares about it. She wants the luxury dinner at Radison Blu and the cold stone icream- not the amala and ewedu at Olaiya.

“I like nice guys”
This is what she probably tells the guy on the date when he asks what kind of guy she likes. Infact, this is what she tells herself and the whole world everyday. She likes them but she’s never ended up with one out of the countless guys she’s dated. How nice!

“I’m never going to sleep with him”
Say what? This is what she had probably told herself when the guy invited her to his house for the weekend and she agreed. So what are you going to his house to do? Pray? Well I pray that she returns in one piece if you know what I mean.

“I’ll be downstairs in 5 minutes”
She tells herself and her coursemate this when she has agreed to meet him but she never makes it down in five. Not even in 15. Hopefully, the guy had known better than to notify her when he’s actually downstairs but when he’s just leaving his own hostel.

“I’m not attracted to him now but I could be in the future”
Which future? So after the long boring conversation with the coursemate who was making advances ended, she goes back to her room thinking well, maybe in the future she could be attracted to him. He’s a really nice guy that helps her out with her assignments so she could probably learn to be attracted to him. I can’t wait for that future to arrive.

Ok that’s enough lies for today. So do you know anymore lies Unilag girls tell themselves daily? Please share with us in the comment section below.

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