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Thursday, 23 October 2014


LOL, this wasn't written by me but trust me it's an interesting piece i call PARA MOOD
Enjoy, straight from the mailbox (

Dear Amnesiacs,
I really don’t know how people think nowadays. Can’t one organize something and choose to be different? These were the questions that paraded my mind on hearing that AMNESIA has been cancelled. It’s not even the cancelling that’s annoying me but the said reason to be behind the cancellation of the party with a bright future. The party I already bought a swim suit and the largest vodka drink for. OMG, a vision by a student pastor is what I heard caused it. They said everybody coming will be initiated to an occult group and I was like “in a pool party” fuck, it’s not even a housepartty ohhh So tell me how we goona initiate people.
And like seriously, who still does initiation using a party that involves sales of ticket. If it’s an initiation party, are there not tactical means of doing such? Was this how illuminati or whatever they likened it started. They said the blood on the girl’s back on the flier is blood “LMAO” blood indeed. When it’s not a horror movie, looking at it, we all know it’s a red paint.

The controversial flier that has the agreement that we promise to forget whatever happens and promise to become an AMNESIAC is simply a stunt to catch the attention of readers. We all know we students are always in a hurry when it comes to fliers; all we do is peruse it and not digest it. This stunt really caught my attention, I read and re read it and I was like “I HAVE TO ATTEND THIS PARTY” touch of white was the apex. I already had my denim jeans, short with a touch of white neatly packaged in my locker only to hear that a vision was seen.

All this vision that you are seeing, remember that there is GOD. Instead of you to pray that we go and return safely, you now chose to soil the party organizers image which resulted in the party cancellation. Just in case you all don’t know, nigga writing this is really pissed off, my boo is pissed off, part of the organizers are pissed off, someone reading this is pissed off and am sure parole, a part of the supports is also pissed off.

Imagine the amount spent on the fliers, tickets, the largest banner have seen so far was done for the party. Mr Sammie designs must be complimented in this write up please. Kudos to the organizers, planning committee and other supporters of the party. I can’t help but imagine the fun have missed because I know no other party ent or faculty would want to spend much in making a party a memory.

If care is not taken, parties we will be attending will fall short of publicity so that nobody will come and say he/she saw a vision. A vision that isn’t based on accuracy or facts. I don PARA finish, I don turn AMNESIAC

Who para reach this guy? share your opinion about the AMNESIA party in the comment box..

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