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Friday, 16 September 2016

Syrian rebel accidentally blows himself & comrades up by using mobile phone bomb to take selfie

A Syrian rebel accidentally blew himself and his fellow freedom fighters up by using a mobile phone rigged to a bomb to take a selfie.

Footage emerged online showing a group of eight men, believed to be members of the Free Syrian Army, gathered around a camera.

The 30-second clip which has not yet being verified shows the rebels sitting in front of a rebel flag and flanked by rifles, they sing into a microphone and appear to be filming a propaganda video.

One of the rebels is then seen holding a mobile phone up in front of his face to take a selfie of the group, but as he hits the button, it triggers an explosion, Mirror Uk reports.

Shocked rebels can be heard shouting 'Allahu Akbar' ( 'God is great' )- as the dust clears and the camera is seen pointing towards the ceiling.

However this remains unknown if anyone was killed or injured in the blast.

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