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Sunday, 1 September 2013

Ladies, Stop And Read This!!! Anorexia Nervosa Is No Joke! Beware!!!!

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder where people especially ladies fear that they would gain weight and deliberately avoid eating. This lead to a metabolic and hormonal disorder giving rise to an extreme and deadly weight loss. Recently, another writer on this page posted an article about a model named Karagianni Nana, a one time most famous journalist in Greek, who in a bid to keep in shape stopped eating.
She became a victim of Anorexia nervosa. I saw a picture of the former and new her and I was like “ghosh! Why should a beautiful lady like this become a shadow of herself?” Well, the new version of this model is nothing but her skeletal system with just a tiny covering of flesh! Whew! Ladies, why should you starve yourself? Why don’t you cherish and nourish your own body? Yea, I know you don’t want to gain some unnecessary weight or you are just so desperate to shed off some fats. Yes, you want that guy to stick with you or you want to make that cool guy notice you…. But then, it is time to STOP being hard on yourself! Anorexia nervosa is no joke! You don’t have to be skinny to be pretty! Moderation is the key! Not all ladies would have the model’s figure! Stop being carried away by the sight of the skinny models we see on the media, some people actually have genes for such! Be yourself!
Shout out to the ladies who are proud of who they are, ladies who would not become shadows of themselves in a bid to go with the flow! Go girls! Eat that food, don’t skip that meal, drink plenty of water, take fruits and nourish your own body…..a little exercise aint bad either.
One last word – You are beautiful, just the way you are, Appreciate yourself!!!!!!

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