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Monday, 14 July 2014

President, Mohamed bin Zayed congratulate President of Germany + UAE Touch keen to host 2019 World Cup

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The UAE President.
President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan has sent a congratulatory cable to President Joachim Gauck on Germany's World Cup win.
Vice President and Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum has sent a similar cable to the President of the Federal Republic of Germany.
His Highness General Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the U.A.E. Armed Forces has also congratulated the German President on the same occasion.

UAE Touch hope holding an ambi­tious club championship in Al Ain this November will showcase the country’s suitability to host the 2019 Touch World Cup.
The Emirates are set to welcome 56 teams, and between 2,000-3,000 competitors, this winter with sides from England, France, Wales, Ku­wait, Saudi Arabia and Qatar al­ready making their interest known.
Abu Dhabi Sports Council has given the one-day event the green light with the tournament set to take place on November 14, at Al Ain Rugby Club.
However, it is the Touch World Cup that remains UAE Touch presi­dent John Larkins’ end goal.
“Location is a big thing for us here. So our ultimate goal is to hold the 2019 World Cup. Because next year, in terms of pure numbers, they’re saying there are 130 teams from over 30 different countries and they might have 3,000 com­petitors.”
That would make it the biggest Touch World Cup ever held. But with the sport’s two main power bas­es split between northern Europe and Australasia, Larkins believes the UAE could hold a bigger event as it offers a central meeting point.
“There are probably more coun­tries playing in the northern hemi­sphere but they don’t all want to travel all the way down to Australia and New Zealand,” he added.
“We had the international fed­eration (Federation of Internation­al Touch) here last year for three weeks and showed them around. We have the infrastructure from the playing fields point of view, what we don’t have is the referees, etc.”

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