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Sunday, 3 August 2014

US Parents Conduct Photoshoot For Daughter Strangled By Umblical Cord

The California parents of a stillborn baby chose to remember their little girl by having a professional photographer capture her on film.
When Richard, 29, and Emily Staley's daughter Monroe was stillborn, they wanted to honour her memory and to acknowledge her as a member of their family.

Lindsey Natzic-Villatoro is accustomed to taking pictures of happy events in people's lives, but she has become aware of the beauty in sad ones, too.She describes in the accompanying post the day Emily Staley discovered that her baby had died inside of her.
Alarmed when she couldn't feel the usual movements in her belly, Staley rushed to hospital only to be told that the umbilical cord had become wrapped around the baby's neck and that she had died. 

Staley gave birth to Monroe Faith Staley, a full-term baby girl, the following morning via C-section and Natzic-Villatoro was there for the moment the baby was given her first bath and handed to her mother.

'I wanted this family to have every possible memory of this child I could physically give them,' she says.I was here to help them both. I also told them that there way NO right way to handle this. If they wanted to freak out on me, throw something, cry, yell… whatever, it was absolutely OK,' says Natzic-Villatoro.

The Staleys spent the next nine hours with their precious child as family members came to visit, during which time Natzic-Villatoro took photographs that have become treasured memories for the couple. 

Fredda Wasserman of Our House Grief Support Center says that stillbirths are often treated as miscarriages and swept under the rug.
'It’s way too uncomfortable for other people, too scary, too much to look at,' she explained. 'But people who don’t grieve really suffer.'
Taking the photographs and sharing them is a healing process, she told Yahoo Health.

'It says, "We need to be validated, and we deserve as much empathy and condolences as someone who lost a live child. We’re mourning her death."'

Daily mail report but pics are currently viral on facebook.

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