Question 1: I was allocated a Hall, but the print out says “No Bed-Space”. Why?
Answer: A newly admitted student is assigned to a specific Hall of Residence which will remain his/her permanent Hall throughout his/her stay in the University.
Question 2: Why?
Answer: This is a new University policy which takes effect from 2014/2015 academic session.
Question 3: Can one change his/her Hall?
Answer: NO. You cannot since you are already permanently attached to the Hall. You are to participate in sports and other activities of the Hall.
Question 4: Why did I not get a bed space allocation in my assigned permanent Hall now?
Answer: You did not because bed space allocation is based on ballot due to the limited number of bed spaces available. You were simply unlucky this session. B
etter luck next time!!!
Loool...dis pple r harsh o..."Better luck next time!!!" With exclamation marks again sef...Unilag sha...