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Saturday, 28 December 2013

7 Ways To Be Your Own Biggest Fan(Self-Love)

The holidays come and go so the greatest gift you can give yourself is the gift of self-love.
'This is the season of holiday gifts wrapped under the tree but the gift I wish most for you is the greatest gift of all… self-love.
Self-love forms the basis of your single, most important relationship — that with yourself. The strength of all your other relationships is exactly equal to the strength of that groundwork. To love yourself is the prerequisite to healthy self-esteem and deeply connected relationships.
It is to be willing to receive as much as you are willing to give and do both equally. Self-love is about knowing your value, setting your boundaries, and honoring yourself. It is about teaching others how to treat you by demonstration of self-love. It is about being kind to yourself. It is about looking after your mind, your body and your spirit; all three are important. It is about knowing you are worth it, not because of what you have achieved or what you do for others, but because love is your birthright no matter what.
So the question is, are you practicing self-love on a daily basis to honor all that you are? If you're not, today is a great day to start. Read on and follow these 7 steps to fall head over heels in love with YOU. Because you are worth it!
1) Write yourself a love letter.

Commit it to paper and really gush! You are digging for your diamonds here so get out your pick, put on your mining hard hat and start excavating. If this is hard for you or you draw a blank ask a good friend or family member to help you discover your dazzle.
2) Combat the critics.
Ah yes, the stealth committee of your mind — always at your service to run you over the coals. When they show up en force simply say, "Thank you for sharing, but no thanks! I choose to live with brilliance not bullying."
3) Speak your truth at all times, no matter what.
Express yourself with honesty and integrity. Even if you think the conversation will be hard, speak your truth and come from love. This honors who you are as well as the recipient.
4) Practice self-care.
Listen to your body and take care of your needs! Eat when you're hungry, sleep when you're tired, get a massage, indulge in exercise, and kick any destructive habits/addictions like alcohol, drugs, and food abuse. You may need a village to help you and that's okay. Don't be afraid to reach out — you are worth it! There is plenty of support waiting to help you shine.
5) Accept yourself no matter what.
Self love must come from a place of acceptance and appreciation. Regardless of your race, color, height, weight or gender, just accept the facts. You cannot change these things. If you don't accept them you will cripple yourself — let go of what you cannot change and choose to celebrate instead.
6 ) Find evidence that supports how wonderful you are.
Every day you are going to be faced with situations that challenge your state of being. But when you understand that your heart inherently holds the blueprint for love, joy and happiness, all you have to do is tune in and you'll discover you're not so burdened when things go awry. And ultimately, when you fall in love with YOU, the world will too!
7) Celebrate your accomplishments!
Go ahead, blare your own horn! Toast your accomplishments with a friend or your partner over drinks. Buy yourself flowers, treat yourself to a massage — do something to make a big deal of what you've done. When you maximize your winnings that's sending a message that you aren't grateful for these gifts. It's also not very loving to yourself — you've worked hard so take time to high five yourself instead of being the tyrannical task master.
Follow these tips, learn to love yourself and you'll appreciate the greatest love of all. Plus, watch as the world responds in wonderful, dreamy ways!
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