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Friday, 20 December 2013

Will God Ever Forgive Maheeda? By Edward Fortune

Do we say because the Grace of God abounds and continue in sin*? God forbids.. That's what the Holy book says. Yes, God is a God of forgiveness, His mercy endureth forever and in all, should this be a yard stick for people like Maheedah to continue to provoke the wrath of God all in the name of *freedom of expression* or whatever we may term this her silly nd very offencesive acts as? When would this generation ever stand up against this immoral show of stupidity? When would this generation stop parading pictures of nude insane people all over the internet? When would this generation stand up for what is right and say no to this acts been peddled by some attention seekers? You don't have to be *born again* for you to know what is morally right and morally wrong. Fine, she would say. *shey my husband dey complain* and stuffs like that. We owe the entire public the rights to boycott her show of stupidity with all the erotic images of herself she parades on the internet. Its so shameful the main purpose of the internet seems to be fast loosing its grip on this generation. She once stood on the pulpit and preached the word.. I remember reading one of her interviews where she said: * I want to show the world that prostitution is evil and satanic. I want all young girls to deceit from it*. Its so obvious she's falling from the Grace she once enjoyed and made no restrictions in talking about when she all accepted christ (thats if na even true sef). Even in this season when we celebrating the birth of Christ, she takes advantage of it and goes all naked with pieces covering little areas and feeling like she's celebrating xmas and wishing people *merryxmas* in her kind of way. (She no even fear).Will God ever forgive Maheedah? That's just the question that runs through my head each time pictures of herself gets paraded in the internet. Nobody holy pass, yes…. But you don't need to be Holy to be able to differentiate from what's good and what's bad!!!!.. There's pride in being decently dressed!!

1 comment:

  1. She seeking more than J̶̲̥̅̊u̶̲̥̅̊ƨ̣̣̣̇̇̇̇τ̣̣̥ attention....dnt knw what the real challenge I̶̲̥̅̊s


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