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Monday, 30 December 2013

Photos: Check Out This Woman Who Owns One Of The World's Largest Butts

According to DailyMail, 33 years old Sarah Massey has one of the world's largest butts.
She has to wear extra large trousers and once managed to crack a toilet bowl just by sitting on it.
The Chicago mother-of-two's behind measures an impressive 7ft in diameter and sometimes proves too large to fit through doorways.
Sarah explains:
'Everyday I get some kind of comment thrown at me, both good and bad - I used to be ashamed but now I hold my head high,'
At school I was teased and called Dump Truck Butt by the other kids, but the condition. is hereditary - there's nothing I can do about it. I went through a stage of worrying what people think, but now I want to show the world I am proud to be me.  

Some people can't believe one person can have this much butt. It's definitely not fake. Big bootys are just in my blood. Apart from my younger sister, the women in my family all have large behinds.
Despite being proud of her record-breaking behind, 32-stone Ms Massey admits that living with a super-sized bottom isn't always easy and receives £750 in disability benefit each month as a result of having limited mobility.

Butt or we say UKWU??? Lol You like?

1 comment:

  1. Its not a sexy ass more of a disabilty so we don't like


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