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Friday, 21 February 2014

Photos: Meet the Woman Who Rocks a Beard like a Man!

Harnaam Kaur is a 23-year-old teaching assistant from the U.K. And it so happens that she proudly sports a beard.

Harnaam Kaur has a condition called polycystic ovary syndrome that makes her grow excessive hair like a man and she was just 11 when she started sprouting facial hair. She tried shaving, bleaching, waxing twice a week but nothing quite worked. In school, she was bullied, called names like "beardo" and "she-male". It even got to the point where she was afraid to leave her room, self-harming and was having suicidal thoughts.

But later on, at 16, Harnaam was baptized as a Sikh and because one of the religion's tenets is that body hair
must be left to grow, Harnaam stopped cutting her hair. Her parents initially opposed the decision, but Kaur said she was tired of hiding her true self. 

"This is who I am. I’m different. And I’ve learned to accept it. Fully. 

Kaur now emphasizes her femininity by wearing skirts, dresses and jewelry. But she still tries to see the humor in her situation.
“I still get shop assistants calling me ‘sir’ and strange looks from people. They see my beard first and realize I’ve actually got breasts, too. It must be confusing for a lot of people. The funniest reactions I get are from the children at my school. Some ask me what my beard is and I joke it’s a Halloween costume."
Although she's had at least one marriage proposal from a man who saw her sharing her story on YouTube, Kaur said some of the men in her community haven't been able to get over her beard.
“I haven’t found a potential husband yet. I still get some grief ... and it does still seem to be a barrier to marriage, but I’m young and there’s still plenty of time for that," she told Barcroft TV. “All that matters to me at the moment is that I love myself. I love my beard and all my other little quirks –- my tattoos, my scars, stretch marks and blemishes."

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