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Wednesday, 10 December 2014

16 Reasons Why You Should Date A Blogger (Website Owner)

  1. They are too busy with their work to think about other girls in the world! So don’t worry, they wont cheat on you.
  2. They are aware about every Important event on the calender, from valentine’s day to chocolate day to ‪#‎love‬-your-gf-more-day
  3. They are entrepreneurs, they love to stand on their own and not under some Fat-Ass !
  4. They don’t have fixed timings, so going out at busy office hours wouldn't be a problem.
  5. They earn alot! So you won’t have any worries about your future.
  6. They are clever and intelligent, you will not have to listen Bull-Shit as they know what they are talking !
  7. They are very creative and innovative in their work, so you’ll have many surprises to look forward for!
  8. In case of any misunderstandings and fights, your friends will come directly into the picture, as they know how to get genuine backlinks.
  9. You don’t need to wear good clothes and have facials done every week, they don’t really care about your materialistic looks, as far as they are sure you love them.
  10. If you won’t find him or he goes missing, don’t worry and complaint to police, he will be in the nearest Internet cafe!
  11. They will give you things or gift which you can show off to the world. How about the Latest Iphone 6? This is rather good compared to gifts you hide like Sexy Looking “Undies”.
  12. They have a lot of Brand Value in the Blogosphere, at some point you’ll feel like a Celeb Gf or Wife!
  13. You need not worry about job, he will always want you to work together with him (blogging).
  14. You can fight a lot with him, as they have a lot of Patience waiting for their site to rank and get traffic !
  15. They make sure that there won’t be any kind of penalty on your relationship, as they are aware of all the algorithms leading to penalty.
  16. They have a different kind of romantic sense, but don’t worry they are obviously very ‪#‎good‬-at- bed !

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