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Friday, 5 December 2014

5 Unbelievable Benefits Of Masturbation

Many people think masturbation is a dangeorous sin, but there are a lot of benefits in self pleasuring. Find out below
For many people, MASTURBATION ‘is an abomination.
But the truth is many people masturbate in the safety of their bathrooms and toilets.
While there are a lot of stories about the danger of masturbating, some true, some just crazy rumours, it is also true that it has some benefits.
Here are 5 of them:
1.Sleep better. A good masturbation session, just like a professional massage can help you sleep faster and relax too. Masturbation has the same effect with sex, relaxing the muscles.
2.Clear sexual tension. The urge for sex comes at random sometimes and it can actually influence the way we act and relate with people. Believe it or not, people who are sex starved are usually more aggressive in human relationships. With masturbation, you find an outlet for sexual frustration — a temporary sex relief.
3.Boost your confidence. A number of people have attested to the fact that that masturbation (and sex) helps put your confidence level on a high. Try it. Next time you have an important meeting, business or otherwise, masturbate before and see.
4.Orgasm whenever you want it. With masturbation, you can get to orgasm when and how you want it. Unlike sex which is dependent on your partners’ performance, masturbation is about you and what you want, how you want it.
5.Fight cancer (not proven). Masturbation has also been said to lower the risks of prostate cancer in men. The argument is that each time you ejaculate after masturbation (and sex) you flush your pipes.

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